Thursday, November 02, 2006

Henry the Leopard

Here is Henry in his Leopard Halloween costume. He didn't much like the hat and so we just put it on for the pictures.
We hope you all had a happy Halloween!

1 comment:

joeandcarole said...

What a cute little leopard! Wish we could be with all of our little guys to see their halloween finery. We did have fun with Joe the Storm Trooper, Maggie the Princess, Harry the cucumber named Larry Boy and Charlie Bob the tomato. (Last 2 courtesy of Veggie Tales) Harry was so eager (even though we've past halloween) for baby John to try on his costumes, a little pumpkin, a bumble bee or a reindeer (I think!)
Next year will be more exciting for Henry...he'll probably "get into" the spirit of that particular season.
Love you all,