Friday, April 13, 2007


Okay Amy, you 've made me feel guilty enough to post something! Just kidding...I'm glad you're trying to keep us all going with this! Here are a couple of pictures from our house. One is Joe at his first Pinewood Derby (he took second place!), and the other is the kids at Easter.

We hope you're all doing well. I love to see the pregnant pictures, because it reminds me that for once, I'm not the one pregnant! :)

We're doing well...keeping busy and having fun. Hopefully we'll be able to see you all soon!



Team Clark said...

Hooray that you wrote on the blog! That makes me very excited. THanks for the pictures, however, I can only see the picture of Joe and his car (way to go Joe!). THe other pictre is just a little red x.
Can you try posting it again? I would love to see it.

joeandcarole said...

Way to Go, Brooke!!!
Cute pictures. We got both of them ..I wonder why Amy didn't??
Love you,