Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Joe and Maggie at school

Just to let you all know, we heard from Joe and Maggie yesterday (Tuesday) and both were very excited about the new school year. Maggie reported that her favorite thing was recess and that also she got to work with some blocks of different colors and shapes. She really likes her teacher. Joe was very excited about getting back to school...called Grandma almost immediately to report on the first day. He reported that one person did not come to school, so now they only have 19 in the class. He is in a first and second grade combination and so will probably be able to help his teacher alot.

Today (Wednesday) I have been asked to drive the missionaries up to Paso Robles as one of them has a doctor's appointment up that will be a good thing I can do to help the missionary work.

We will be going to LA on Friday and Saturday. The plans now call for Joe III and family to stay with Jaron and Roz who live very close to the temple...they are good friends from the past, and Mom and I will stay in the Temple Apartments. On Saturday, Joe and Brooke will go to the temple and we will help with the children and then we will all go to the Visitors center to see the new film about Joseph Smith.

I will keep all posted as we move along.

Love Dad


joeandcarole said...

Hi Honey,
You are doing a great job of getting into all of this! I'm proud of you.

Team Clark said...

Thanks for reporting, Dad. Hopefully we can get Joe, Brooke, Nate and Kate on here soon! It just won't be the same without them...