Sunday, September 10, 2006

We're here!

Hi all..
This is Brooke. I finally found the email to access the site. Joe 4 has been bugging me for a week to do it. He may be the only one in our family with enough time to post regulary, so look forward to that!
All is well here...we had another seemingly endless Sunday, but the children are finally all sleeping (is the day really longer than any other or does it just seem that way?) :). Joe and Maggie are looking forward to school tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to a day of catch-up around the house after the weekend.
It was fun to read all your posts...looking forward to keeping in better touch!


Team Clark said...

Hooray, hooray, hooray! Good for little Joe. He will have to keep us all updated with your family.
I think that Sunday really is longer than other days - and I'm sure you feel it more than anyone.
Anyways - welcome! It's good to have everyone here now.

joeandcarole said...

Yea for the Brundage III family! We're so glad you're on. Joe IV has great plans to keep in touch. So, we just love whoever can post!
Love you all, Mom/Carole

NaterKaterpotater said...

hello! yes, welcome! can Joe IV really type already? wow, can't wait to see you!